Referring a person for a loan doesn’t make you responsible for the debt. Providing a referral does not guarantee that a loan will be approved, nor make the person providing the referral liable for any loan that may be granted. You will only be eligible for a referral payment if:
- You are a customer of Island Finance with a current account or a previous customer with an account on record
- You do not have a delinquent status or have not had a written off loan with Island Finance
- The disbursement of the referred loan occurs within 30 days from the referral form submission. (A new referral form must be submitted if more than 30 days have passed, and the loan has not been disbursed.)
- The loan receives credit approval and the referred person’s documents meet verification requirements.
- The referred person does not have or has never had a loan with Island Finance before.
- The referred loan is disbursed for an amount financed equal to or greater than Afls.1,800.
- The referrer will be responsible for all taxes, if any, in connection with any referral fees paid